Symbol of Company
Ordinary shares of Attock Refinery Limited are listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited (PSX) and Symbol of the Company assigned by PSX is “ATRL”.

Ordinary shares of Attock Refinery Limited are listed on the Pakistan Stock Exchange Limited (PSX) and Symbol of the Company assigned by PSX is “ATRL”.
The International Labor Organization (ILO) marks the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28th of April every year to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. In this context, ARL celebrated safety week from April 25-29, 2022.
Different programs were arranged in light of this year’s International Labor Organization theme “Let`s Act together to build a positive safety and health culture”. In the opening ceremony CEO of Attock Refinery Limited Mr. M. Adil Khattak emphasized the need of employee’s involvement in promotion and improvement of safety culture.
Safety talks were arranged in different refinery areas to interact with employees and different suggestions were taken regarding continual improvement of OH&S. Presentations were arranged to discuss different HSE topics for knowledge sharing. A highly interactive and informative session on first aid was conducted by government agency “1122” and participants were briefed about the latest first aid techniques to handle different emergencies.