ARL is a member of the following government & non-government organizations and agencies:
- Oil Companies Advisory Council (OCAC)
- Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FPCCI)
- Overseas Investors Chamber of Commerce and Industries (OICCI)
- Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industries (RCCI)
- Petroleum Institute of Pakistan (PIP)
- Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA)
- Management Association of Pakistan (MAP)
- Employer’s Federation of Pakistan (EFP)
- Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP)
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), USA
- Fire Prevention Association of Pakistan (FPAP)
- Pakistan Alliance Against Sexual Harassment (AASHA)
- CSR Association of Pakistan
- Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB)
- Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA)
- Key Point Installation Division (KPID), Ministry of Interior, Govt. of Pakistan
- Japan Cooperation Center Petroleum (JCCP)
- Nippon Keidanren International Cooperation Center (NIC)
- Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance (PICG)
- Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS), Japan