Refineries Award 2024

For second year in a row, Wafi Energy Pakistan Limited under license from Shell International has been recognized, and awarded Attock Refinery Limited (ARL), as the best performer among all the local refineries in Pakistan for the year 2024.

This award has been given to ARL for meeting expectations in terms of product quality, adherence to commitments, timely supplies & support, and engagement.

World Environment Day – 2024

ARL celebrated World Environment Day 2024 to reaffirm its commitment to the betterment of the environment, focusing on this year’s theme of “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience”. Awareness sessions were conducted in nearby schools and inside the Refinery. These sessions aimed to educate about concerns related to environmental protection, the impacts of climate change, their repercussions, and the necessary actions that need to be taken. On June 5th, an awareness walk was also arranged inside the Refinery. A large number of employees participated in the walk and showed their commitment to the shared responsibility. Additionally, the latest regulations imposed by the EPA, Punjab regarding the ban on plastic bags were shared with the participants to encourage them to join hands with the government for a plastic-free Punjab.

Safety Week – 2024

Attock Refinery Limited Celebrated Safety Week from April 22nd to April 26th, 2024, in alignment with the International Labor Organization’s World Day for Occupational Health and Safety at Work, which falls on April 28th. The theme for this year, according to ILO is “impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health”.

On the first day of the week, safety walk was conducted by refinery employees, demonstrating our steadfast commitment to fostering a safety-first culture throughout refinery. Safety week served to emphasize our dedication to creating a workplace environment that prioritizes the well-being and safety of every individual.

Throughout Safety Week, safety talks were organized to engage shop floor level employees and gather their feedback on hazards associated with climate change, including excessive heat, extreme weather events, and air pollution. Moreover, classroom sessions were conducted on topics such as Behavior Based Safety, Operational Safety, Digital Technologies in Plant Safety, and Contractor’s Safety, aimed at enhancing the safety culture within the refinery.

Moreover, ARL collaborated with National Highway & Motorway Police and Rescue 1122 to facilitate an interactive session on Road Safety and Role of Emergency Services in the Community.

Earth Day 2024

Attock Refinery Limited (ARL), in collaboration with the National Cleaner Production Center (NCPC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Rawalpindi, Punjab, celebrated Earth Day at ARL’s Morgah Biodiversity Park on Monday. An awareness walk was organized, attended by local school children, university volunteers, and representatives from Murree Brewery Co. Ltd. The primary objective of the walk was to raise awareness about this year’s Earth Day theme, “Planet Versus Plastics,” and to underscore the urgent need to combat plastic pollution.

During the event, officials from ARL and EPA addressed the participants, emphasizing the criticality of the issue and discussing the necessary steps to address plastic pollution. The event concluded with the symbolic planting of a tree, symbolizing the commitment of the participants to environmental restoration efforts.