ARL is committed to provide the best quality products in the market, endeavours to protect the environment and to ensure health and safety of its employees,contractors and customers and to work for continual improvements in health, safety environment and quality (HSEQ) systems.

ARL is committed to comply with all applicable Health, Safety, Environment and Quality laws and regulations.

The policy shall be used to demonstrate this commitment through:

  • Health and Safety:

    ARL ensures that every employee or contractor works under the safest possible conditions. It is our firm belief that every effort must be made to avoid accidents, injury to people, damage to property and the environment.

    ARL believes that practically all accidents are preventable by carrying out risk assessments and reducing identified risks by appropriate controls.

    ARL is committed to ensure the participation and consultation of workers and their representatives in health and safety matters.

  • Environment

    ARL is committed to prevent pollution by the efficient use of energy throughout its operations, recycle and reuse of the effluent wherever possible and use of cost – effective cleaner production techniques that lead to preventive approach for sustainable development.

  • Quality

    ARL recognizes employees’ input towards quality by emphasizing skills development and professionalism.

    ARL must be customer driven, cost effective, and continuously improving services, works and products to meet requirements of the market.

    ARL conducts periodic audits and risk assessment of its activities, processes and products for setting and reviewing its objectives and targets to provide assurance, to improve HSEQ standards and loss control. ARL is committed to share all pertinent information related to HSEQ with all concerned parties.